Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Retail Therapy.. by Doctor's Orders

Today Chris and I were visiting with our Obgyn and she informed us that we have officially had our second miscarriage and then proceeded to ask what day is good for us to schedule my surgery. I informed her that tomorrow is bad because I have been planning a trip to IKEA with some of my dear gal friends and she said.. "You Go! Absolutely " She agreed that i was due for some solid "Girl time and Serious Retail Therapy"

On top of that I was blessed today with a gift of $25 from another dear friend to go toward the purchase of "something cute and completly useless" for myself from IKEA.

So before me lies a full day of healing through shopping and the exciting task of finding something cute and useless (shouldn't be too hard).

I will blog again to let you know what I found and how my first therapy session went.
Love you all



gray said...

I love you. And I'm praying.

Jen said...

I also love you and am praying

Jennifer said...

Thanks gals.. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

i'm praying, ikea is a good place for therapy and it will suit your home. :O)

Karen said...

speechless... sobbing.



Kristen said...

I'm so sorry to hear Jen, you guys are in my prayers...(and IKEA works every time!)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a fun day, great conversation and no "cap".
Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen,
I know I haven't kept in touch with you since I left, I'm so sorry to read about this...u are an amazing person, so full of love and life you don't deserve this. The important thing is that u have a wonderful father guiding your every step and a husband that I'm sure is always at your side. I wish nothing but the best for you
I love you and I'm praying for you always

Susan said...

Your in my thoughts and Prayers! Love you lots!